I don’t think I have seen so much panic and hate from the Pens fan base as I have since Wednesday. After all of the mindless drivel about the playoffs being over now that the Pens lost Game 1 of a SEVEN game series, I am convinced there is something going around and I mean more than the Flu in the Pens locker room.
Allow me to refresh some folks on NOTABLE games from 2009:
April 23, 2009, Flyers win 3-0 over the Pens in the Igloo
- Game 6 seemed to be a real disaster didn’t it- SHHHHHHHHH
May 11, 2009 Caps win 5-4 over the Pens in the Igloo
- Game 7 and Craig Adams scored a gut wrenching goal 8 seconds after Crosby Put the Pens up by 1-Lights out for the Caps
June 6,2009 Red Wings brutally beat down the Pens 5-0
- The Pens respond with a win in Game 6 and NEVER trail in Game 7, MAF with a HUGE save in the last seconds to preserve the third Stanley Cup in Pens history.
Different teams, you say? Not really, except a few players, it’s the same team. Game 1 was horrible for both Ottawa AND Pittsburgh. The Sens end up with the win, so what. It’s NOT over. I have seen every player get thrown under the bus in the past 2 days, but not collectively. It’s a team game, win as a team, lose as a team. As a “fan” you should be supporting them, win or lose. Players have off nights, so what. It’s not over until the series is over and someone gets on the bus to go home for summer.
Let’s move on kids, and remember if you want to drink the kool-aid: